Scottish Top Employers for Working Families
Read the winners' and finalists' case studies in the six categories of 2015's Scottish Top Employers for Working Families.
Daddy’s Home
There are more men working flexibly today than ever before, successfully balancing their job and their home life. This booklet introduces you to some of them. It looks at what made them decide to change the way they work, and shows how they made that change.
The Modern Families Index 2015
The Modern Families Index aims to capture an annual snapshot of how working families combine work and family life. Taking over 1000 working families across the UK, the Index asks parents to describe the arrangements that they use to navigate everyday working life with dependent children, and how they feel work and family life is shaped by this combination
Modern Families Index 2015 – Scotland
Working people across Scotland are struggling to find a way to balance their desire to prioritise a healthy, happy family life with the demands of the modern workplace.
Off Balance: parents of disabled children and paid work
This new survey of over 900 parents illustrates both the extent to which such parents value the opportunity to work – for both economic and other reasons – and the enormous challenge they face in combining their especially demanding caring responsibilities with paid work.
Top Employers for Working Families 2014 Benchmark Report
The headline findings report on the 2014 Top Employers for Working Families benchmark. The Working Families Benchmark continues, in 2014, to be the tool of choice for organisations that want to understand and measure the progress and success of their flexible, high performance working initiatives, policies and practices.
Top Employers for Working Families: Special Awards 2014
Welcome to the case studies for the 2014 Top Employers for Working Families Awards. The case studies here include all the shortlisted finalists across the different Awards categories.
Top Employers for Working Families Small Employers Report
Read the case studies of the 2014 Top Small Employers for Working Families
Engaging Workplaces, Effective Relationships
Engaging Workplaces, Effective Relationships, published July 4 2014 shows employers how, by building effective relationships among staff, their workforce experienced positive impacts on all aspects of their life – including within their relationships at home.
Briefing on the extension of the Right to Request Flexible Working – June 2014
This Working Families briefing paper was published on 30th June 2014 when the Right to Request Flexible Working was extended to all eligible employees. The briefing sets out a number of case studies of employees already working flexibly and a short history of how we got where we are today.
Report On Working Families’ Helpline 2013
Working Families runs a free legal helpline for disadvantaged parents and carers who need advice about their employment rights. This annual report brings together the facts and figures for 2013, supported by case studies highlighting the areas of need that the Working Families helpline addresses – and exploring the implications for policy. You can read…
Time, Health and the Family: what working families want
Working families have never been higher on the agenda. Seen by policy makers as a crucial foundation stone in the cohesion of society and the economy, ‘hard-working families’ are never far from the headlines and government initiatives. But does the picture so broadly painted in national debates match the reality of work and family life…