Top Employers for Working Families Benchmark Report
The Working Families' Top Employers Benchmark measures the full range of flexible working and work-life balance practices used by Working Families' employer members, and how these are integrated into the organisation’s values, policies and culture.
Time to Rebalance – the results paper
Parents and carers play a crucial role in Scotland’s labour force. In the lead up to National Work Life Week 2016 Family Friendly Working Scotland asked over 600 parents in Scotland to tell us about their work life balance.
Fathers in the early years
The new shared parental leave scheme is amongst the latest additions to a growing inventory of work-related family friendly policies and flexible working arrangements, developed and introduced by the UK Government over the past two decades.
Striking a balance: the work of the Legal Advice Service in 2015
Our Legal Advice Service provides support to working parents and carers on key employment rights including maternity and paternity leave and pay, negotiating a flexible working pattern, and using unpaid leave to deal with family commitments. Crucially, staff on the advice line coach callers on how to achieve the best solution for them and their…
Top Employers for Working Families Special Awards – the case studies
Read the 22 finalists' case studies from the 2016 Top Employers for Working Families Special Awards.
The Scottish Top Employers for Working Families 2016
Read about the winners and finalists in the six categories of the 2016 Scottish Top Employers for Working Families.
Modern Families Index 2016
The Modern Families Index 2016 has now been published. Read the full report here.
Shared parental leave: the perspective from employers
Shared parental leave is a new right allowing parents to combine work and care in the first year with their child in a new way.We surveyed employers for this report to get a feel for how the new policy is working. We found that shared parental leave has a lot of support and that many organisations are taking steps to help make it a success. Its still early days for this new type of leave but seven out of ten employers told us they expect take-up to rise in the future.
Top Employers for Working Families Small Employers Report
Read the case studies of the 2015 Top Small Employers for Working Families.
The Top Employers for Working Families Benchmark report 2015
The Top Employers for Working Families benchmark report examines the key trends and findings from the 2015 benchmark. It includes the list of the top 10 and top 11-30 Top Employers for Working Families. The Top Employers benchmark is now in its sixth year (the fifth in its current format) and offers participants detailed insights…
The Top Employers for Working Families 2015 Special Awards Case Studies
The 2015 Top Employers for Working Families Awards showcase some of the best and most innovative current practice that there is when it comes to family friendly and flexible working. Long established categories like motherhood and maternity are still hot topics as organisations refine and develop their policies, whilst innovation is strong as they think…
Rigid flexibility: the work of the Working Families Legal Advice Service in 2014
2,766 working parents and carers – 85 per cent of them women, and one in four a single parent – telephoned or emailed the Working Families legal advice helpline in 2014. The helpline team provides free advice on key work-life balance rights such as maternity and paternity leave and pay, and unpaid parental leave.