Hybrid Working – Practical Guidance
This guidance is designed to help employers harness the benefits of well managed hybrid working practices which can help organisations attract and retain staff while supporting employee wellbeing, inclusion and performance.
Working parents, flexibility and job quality: What are the trade-offs?
Working Families has been supporting parents and carers in work for over 40 years. Over those decades we’ve seen plenty of progress, but we know that some barriers to change have remained stubbornly in place. This report adds significantly to our understanding of the elements of work parents see as most important now and looking into the future, as well as their attitudes to job quality.
National Work Life Week 2021 Briefing
New polling, carried out to mark the start of National Work Life Week 2021 (Oct 11–15), shows a wide gulf in how parents and carers are managing to balance their work and home lives as we come out of the pandemic.
Employers Benchmark Report 2021
This report aims to provide an overview of how some of the UK’s leading public, private and third sector organisations are working to support their teams.
Building back better for working parents – FlexTheUK Campaign Briefing
Now the relaxing of those final restrictions is in sight, we wanted to capture how the UK’s 13 million working parents are feeling about their experiences of work and family life over recent months, what their concerns are as we move into the ‘new normal’, and their thoughts on the future of work.
Six months of COVID-19
An impact report about the various services provided by Working Families during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Flexistability: Building back better for the UK’s working families
The social and economic consequences of COVID-19 have ushered in extraordinary changes in our country, almost overnight. The impact of the pandemic on families has been multi-faceted and, for some, extreme.
Working through COVID-19 and beyond: the perspective from employers
In September 2020, we asked Working Families’ employer members to tell us how they had managed the many challenges the COVID-19 pandemic had presented.
COVID-19 and flexible working: the perspective from working parents and carers
The overwhelming majority of working parents and carers we surveyed do not want their employer to return to revert to business as usual after lockdown is lifted. It is time for the UK government and employers to #flextheUK – extending the flexible working opportunities afforded some parents and carers during lockdown to all parents and carers.
Weathering the Storm: the COVID-19 pandemic and working parents
This year’s Legal Advice Service report explores the issues still facing the working parents getting in touch with us about COVID-19, and simple ways the government and UK employers could go further to support them to stay in work and help ensure they don’t lose out financially.