Feedback from Working Families webinarAs a result of the training, do you better understand your rights in relation to flexible working?(Required) Yes No No change / unsureAre you likely to act on any of the suggestions made in the webinar?(Required) Yes No No change / unsureWould you recommend this training to a colleague or friend?(Required) Yes No Not sureIs there anything that we could do to improve the training, if we were to run it again?In your opinion, what was the most important or helpful part of the webinar, or any other comments?Would you like to be included in Working Families’ email list to receive regular newsletters for parents and carers?(Required) Yes NoTo be added to our mailing list, please enter your email address Our funders like to know the demographic of people we provide training to. Please tick any of the following that apply:I am(Required) a parent a carer both a parent and carer an advisor OtherMy gender is(Required) Female Male Non-binary/non-conforming Transgender Prefer not to say OtherMy ethnic origin is(Required) White (any white background) Asian or Asian British Black, African, Caribbean or Black British Mixed or multiple ethnic origins Prefer not to say OtherThis field is hidden when viewing the formAddressPlease leave this field blankPrivacyRead our privacy policy.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ