What is flexible working?
Flexible working is a change to the amount, timing or location of someone’s work; it is much more than just home and hybrid working. Flexibility can be unlocked in all roles, regardless of an employer’s size or the sector in which they operate. Common types of flexible working include:
- Remote or home-based working
- Hybrid working (a mix of remote and site-based working)
- Job share (job split/shared between two people)
- Part-time (a reduced working day or week)
- Term-time hours
- Compressed hours (full-time hours condensed into a shorter week)
- Split shifts (dividing the work day into two or more shifts)
- Control over when work is undertaken (e.g. through flexible start and finish times, employee self-rostering, shift swapping or fixed shift patterns)
- Annualised hours (working a certain number of hours over the year, with different hours on different days and weeks)
- Flexi-time (choosing working hours within agreed limits)