Tax Credits
Find out about tax credits and how they can help your family.
Moving to Universal Credit if you have an existing Tax Credits or other legacy benefit claim
Information about moving to Universal Credit from Tax Credits or other legacy benefits. The managed migration process. What to do if you've received a Universal Credit Migration Notice letter.
Childcare costs and Working Tax Credit
Families paying for childcare may be able to help with the costs in Working Tax Credit (WTC). This is called the childcare element of WTC.
Rates of Tax Credits, income thresholds and withdrawal rates
Current rates of Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, additional elements and income thresholds
Tax Credits and Universal Credit – if you use childcare vouchers
Information on tax credit and universal credit payments for childcare if you use Childcare Vouchers.
Tax Credits: Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit
Information on tax credits, covering who may be able to get Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.
What happens to my Tax Credits or Universal Credit if I have more than two children?
If you are responsible for a child born on or after 6 April 2017, and you get Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit for two or more other children, you may not get any extra for that child. This only affects the child element of Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit. It doesn't affect Child Benefit, or extra amounts for disabled children or childcare.
Renewing your Tax Credits
If you already claim Tax Credits, you’ll be sent a renewal pack between April and July which tells you how to renew your Tax Credits. If you are not currently claiming Tax Credits but received them in the past, it is not possible to make a new claim or renew an old claim that has…
How your Tax Credits are worked out
Tax credits are worked out by adding up all the elements (see below) which apply to you. You may be entitled to elements of Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit or both.
Overpayment of Tax Credits
Information on overpayments of Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, covering what can cause overpayments and what you can do about them.
Tax Credits: changes of circumstances
Information on the changes in your life that you need to report to HMRC if you are claiming Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit.