Example of Employment Tribunal Claims
Example of grounds for complaint in ET1
You can download this sample guidance and notes to help you with a format for submitting an employment tribunal claim against your employer in relation to a flexible working request you have made.
Precedent 1: Pregnancy dismissal
This precedent claim form deals with being dismissed when you are pregnant and covers unfair dismissal, discrimination, failings in the grievance and disciplinary process and completing tribunal claim forms.
Precedent 2: Pregnancy: Unfavourable treatment and redundancy dismissal
This precedent covers unfavourable treatment at work due to pregnancy and redundancy as a result.
Precedent 3: Redundancy while on maternity leave
This precedent covers redundancy dismissal and failure to offer suitable available vacancy, failure to consult about the redundancy, redundancy pay and notice pay.
Precedent 4: Breach of the right to return following maternity leave, i.e. old job not returned following maternity leave ending
This precedent covers refusal to allow a woman to return to her job after maternity leave, failure to offer a suitable alternative vacancy, failure to consult while on maternity leave, redundancy pay and notice pay.
Precedent 5: Breach of flexible working regulations and part time work refusal
This precedent covers refusal of request to work part-time and breach of the procedure in the Flexible Working Regulations.
Precedent 6: Refusal of part time work request; detriment for taking dependant leave, disability discrimination by association
This precedent covers refusal to allow part-time working and detrimental actions because the claimant took dependant leave.
Precedent 7: Refusal of flexible working request for a father (direct sex discrimination)
This precedent covers refusal to allow a father to work flexibly and resignation as a result.
Precedent 8: Refusal of a flexible working request at the end of maternity leave
Refusal of a flexible working request at the end of maternity leave where the employee asked for change of hours to accommodate nursery pick up and is therefore unable to return because of caring responsibilities and resigned following refusal - indirect sex discrimination and constructive unfair dismissal.
Precedent 9: Dismissal of a pregnant employee during probation
Dismissal of a pregnant employee during the probationary period following absence with pregnancy-related sickness.