Understand your rights to leave and pay on the adoption of a child.
Adoption Leave
Who can take adoption leave? Have you recently been matched with a child? Find out the rules on adoption leave.
Statutory Adoption Pay
When you take adoption leave, you might also be eligible for Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP). This article provides a detailed breakdown of SAP, eligibility requirements, how much you can expect to receive, and where to go for more information.
Paternity leave and pay for adoption
Paternity leave can cover one or two weeks soon after the adoption of a child. Statutory Paternity Pay is paid for one or two weeks.
Rights and benefits during adoption leave
Overview of your rights to annual leave, car allowances, commissions, bonuses, pay rises, childcare vouchers, pension contributions and other contractual benefits during adoption leave.
Holiday entitlement while on maternity or statutory family leave
Frequently asked questions about annual leave and family leave.
Shared Parental Leave for adoption or surrogacy
If you are adopting with your partner, and you meet the eligibility requirements, you can take SPL. You and your partner can decide how to split up and share leave in the same way as other parents. Partners can share up to 52 weeks of adoption leave and 39 weeks of Statutory Adoption Pay.
Rights to time off for surrogate parents
Your rights to time off as a surrogate parent
Dismissal during pregnancy, or maternity, adoption or shared parental leave
Your rights if you are facing dismissal while pregnant, on maternity leave, or soon after.
Redundancy while pregnant, or on maternity, adoption shared parental leave or (from 6th April 2025) neonatal leave
Information on your rights if you are made redundant while on maternity leave or just after you return to work.
Sample letter of notice for adoption leave and pay to an employer
Are you wanting to give your employer notice to take adoption leave and claim statutory adoption pay? If so you may find our sample letter useful.