We provide free advice on family and carer-related employment rights and in-work benefits. You can find our contact form below. We would ask you to first please check if you can find the answer to your query on our advice pages. We advise for instance on:
If you can’t find the answer to your question on our website, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll do our best to help you. We aim to get back to you with a response as soon as we can and within 10 working days. Depending on the urgency of your query, the response time may be shorter.
We answer every query we receive. If you have not heard from us within 10 working days, please check in your spam or junk folder.
If you feel that you might need to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal or another court, please note that strict time limits apply – usually within 3 months (3 months less 1 day) of the act that you wish to complain about. Please keep copies of all documents relevant to your situation in case you need to refer back to something, and in case you need to bring a claim at some point in the future.
Please see our Legal Advice Service Client Charter which outlines what we will do for you; the standards of service you can expect; and the expected timescales. It also outlines what we need from you to enable us to meet our commitments.
We are only able to advise workers or employees on our helpline, to avoid any potential conflicts of interest and to meet the requirements of our funders.
If you need advice on employment or benefit issues that are not family/carer-related, please contact your local Citizens Advice as they may be able to help. You must fill in all the boxes marked with an asterisk *. We’re committed to protecting your privacy. Please see our privacy policy and our complaints policy .
Before you complete this form, please confirm if you are:* Please tick one of the following options.
We’re sorry, but we cannot help you. Unfortunately, we are only funded to advise parents, expectant parents and carers, and their advisers/ professionals (e.g. midwives, social workers). If you need further help, you can contact Acas on 0300 123 1100 (for employment-related queries) or your local Citizens Advice (employment and benefits). We’re sorry, we cannot help you. We are only able to advise workers or employees on our helpline. To avoid any potential conflicts of interest and to meet the requirements of our funders, we cannot advise you if you are an employer. You can ask your employee(s) to contact us instead. Are you contacting us for benefits advice or about an employment rights issue?* We are a small team that get a lot of enquiries, and as part of our mission we try to help those with least access to justice. We are unable to offer advice on benefits or help with childcare costs for those earning over £100k.We can only answer queries about benefits advice at present. If your query is related to employment rights, please take a look at our website pages, try our telephone helpline (0300 012 0312 weekdays, 11am-2pm) or try this form again in a few days.We can only answer queries about employment rights at present. If your query is related to benefits advice, please take a look at our website pages, try our telephone helpline (0300 012 0312 weekdays, 11am-2pm) or try this form again in a few days.Country of Residence* The law sometimes differs depending on
where you are resident). We can only advise on UK
Please choose – England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Other (please note we only give advice on UK law) Prefer not to say
We cannot provide advice about Northern Ireland as the law is different. You can visit the Labour Relations Agency or call their helpline Workplace Information Service on 03300 555 300. We’re sorry – we can only advise on UK law in England, Scotland and Wales. This field is hidden when viewing the form
If contacting us about your rights and benefits during coronavirus, have you read all our FAQ pages on coronavirus to see if you can find the answer there?* We are currently inundated with queries and want to make sure we reach the people who need our help most. Please read all the questions we have created on coronavirus first to see if they answer your question before filling out this contact form. This field is hidden when viewing the form
Can you tell us why you are getting in touch with us? Tick the option that most applies to you* Name*
I am contacting you on behalf of This field is hidden when viewing the form
On behalf of? If you are contacting us on behalf of your
partner or a friend, please give their name
Email* Please leave an email address so that we can reply to you.
Phone (optional) It would be great if you could provide a phone number if possible. Being able to call you can often help us to deal with your query more effectively and quickly particularly if your query is complex or urgent or we need further information from you.
Have you already been in touch with us? You might have been in touch with us in the past about a different topic, or recently about this specific query.
Please choose – Yes – by phone Yes – by email No Prefer not to say
Do you live with a disability and/or long term health condition?* This might include a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability, or moderate to severe mental health condition
Please could you tell us what type of disability and/or long term health condition you have?* Do you have any communication difficulties, and could this be a barrier to you accessing advice from our service?* What is your age?* Our Legal Advice Service is currently being generously funded by a funder which requires us to monitor the age ranges of the people using our services. This question is included here for their equality monitoring.
Are you contacting us to ask about benefits or financial support? (optional) We can give you more accurate advice if we know whether or not you are already receiving benefits/financial support.
Please choose – Yes No I don't know Prefer not to say
Can you please tell us what benefits you are already claiming, if any? (optional) If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details instead. It is important for us to know what you are already claiming so that we can give you more accurate advice. You can skip this question if you want.
This field is hidden when viewing the form
If you would like a call back by one of our advisers in order to complete a benefits calculation, please tick this box This field is hidden when viewing the form
Please provide a phone number for us to call you on, and let us know when you might be available for a call back.
What best describes your employment status? (optional)* If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please select their employment status instead.
Please choose – Employee – Full Time Employee – Part Time Worker (e.g. agency or zero hours contract worker) Self-employed Mix of above (include details in your query) Unemployed I don't know my employment status
How long have you worked for your employer(s)? (optional) Please be as accurate as possible. Some employment rights are only available if you have worked for your employer for a certain amount of time. If you do a mix of employed and self-employed work, please give details. If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Are you (or your partner) pregnant or in the process of adopting? Do you want to know about your rights as an expecting parent? (optional) If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please answer on their behalf instead.
Please choose – Yes No Prefer not to say
This field is hidden when viewing the form
When is your expected date of childbirth / when do you expect to be matched with the child for adoption? Please be as accurate as possible. This helps us determine your rights to pay and leave. If you only know an approximate date, that’s helpful too. If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Your query* Please enter your query below. Please include any factors that you think could be relevant (e.g. dates, steps you have already taken to resolve your issue, whether you are being supported/advised by a union or other advice agency/solicitor) and please be as clear as possible about what you would like our help with. What questions do you have? Do you know what outcome you would like to achieve?
Help us help you! Fill in this monitoring form Our funders like to keep track of who we are advising and to check that we reach a broad range of people from across the UK with differing financial and personal circumstances. This monitoring information is anonymised and not in any way linked back to your specific query (e.g. we might say that 70% of the people that contact us are female, or that 20% are from a BAME background).If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill this in with their information if you know it, otherwise leave it blank.
How did you find out about Working Families?* Please select – Acas Citizens Advice Internet search (e.g. Google, Yahoo etc) Local authority website Midwife/health professional Pregnancy notes Signposted from another organisation Social media Story in the media Trade union Turn2Us Twins Trust Word of mouth Other
Where you found out about Working Families Please specify
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If you are based in England, can you tell us where you are contacting us from? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please select – North (East and West) Yorkshire and the Humber Midlands (West and East) East of England South (West and East) London Not sure/Prefer not to say
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Which council tax region are you in? If you don’t know, you can look up your local authority on the
GOV.UK website (opens in a new tab)
What is your postcode? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Parliamentary Constituency
What is your gender? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please select – Female/Woman Male/Man Non-binary Transgender Other Prefer not to say
Are you a single parent/carer? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please choose – Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you receive Tax Credits, Universal Credit or any other low-income benefit? This field is hidden when viewing the form
Is your annual household income below £35,000? (Gross income, before tax) If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please choose – Yes No Prefer not to say
This field is hidden when viewing the form
If you are in a couple: Is your annual household income below £41,000? (Gross income, before tax) If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please choose – Yes No Prefer not to say
Please estimate your pre-tax household income This information can help us better assist you with your enquiry, and allows us to better understand our service users and fund our work providing free legal guidance.
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Income Source
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Address please don’t fill this out
How would you describe your ethnic origin or ethnicity? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please select – White (any white background) Asian or Asian British Black, African, Caribbean or Black British Mixed or multiple ethnic origins Other Prefer not to say
Ethnic origin please specify
Do you know, approximately, how many people work for your employer? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please choose – Less than 10 employees Between 10-50 employees Between 50-250 employees More than 250 employees Unknown Not applicable – I am self-employed Not applicable – I am not employed
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Do you look after a disabled child or adult (not as a job)? If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please fill in their details (not your own).
Please choose – No Yes – I look after a child with a disability Yes – I look after an adult with a disability Yes – I look afer a child and an adult, both with disabilities Prefer not to say
Would you be happy to be contacted by either our Policy or Marketing & Communications Teams to be used as a possible case study to help our work to achieve positive change for working parents and carers?* This could be on an anonymous basis.
Do you consent to your data being used in accordance with our privacy policy?* Unfortunately we cannot process your enquiry without your agreement to our privacy policy (see below). If you prefer, you can call our helpline on 0300 012 0312.
Unfortunately we cannot process your enquiry without your agreement to our privacy policy (see below). If you prefer, you can call our helpline on 0300 012 0312. This field is hidden when viewing the form
Consent* I consent to my data being used in accordance with Working Families’ Privacy Policy.
Unfortunately we cannot process your enquiry without your agreement to our privacy policy (see below). If you prefer, you can call our helpline on 0300 012 0312.
I agree to the privacy policy.
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Privacy Our email and telephone advice line are fully confidential. This means we won’t share any personal data which would identify you with anyone outside Working Families (except for our volunteers, and in some cases, auditors – who are also bound by confidentiality) without your permission. We do store a record of the advice we’ve given you on our internal database in accordance with GDPR for monitoring, funding, training and regulatory purposes. We will use your email and phone number provided to contact you with advice, information and to send a follow up email to understand the impact and outcome after you received our advice.
We use anonymised information from your query to create statistics, so we can understand who we are helping and what problems are most common. We may also share this information with our Policy and Communications teams to inform their work with government departments and funders, and through press releases and social media. We will never share data which might identify you personally, but your anonymised testimony will help us to work towards achieving positive change for working parents and carers.
By contacting us, you agree to us processing your information in this way. In exceptional circumstances we might have to break confidentiality, for example, when we feel a child might be at risk. If this happens, we’ll make all reasonable efforts to keep you informed of how we will act.
Read our privacy policy .
We answer every query we receive. If you have not heard from us within 10 working days, please check in your spam or junk folder.
If you feel that you might need to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal or another court, please note that strict time limits apply – usually within 3 months (3 months less 1 day) of the act that you wish to complain about. Please keep copies of all documents relevant to your situation in case you need to refer back to something, and in case you need to bring a claim at some point in the future. Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.